Film production

Mother Earth Artists produces film for different contexts, feature films, music videos, information movies, reports, etc. We take orders for filming in the environment or in the studio with green screen, as well as screenplays and script adaptations, music for film and sound design. Also assignments for directing and film editing.

Most welcome to contact us at Here follows some examples. 

Feature films

A short movie by Armand Gutheim for the 220th anniversary of the Swedish poet Carl Michael Bellman's death in 1795.

Runtime: 10 min. 
Starring: Rolf Jenner.  
Directing, screenplay, music, photography and editing: Armand Gutheim. 
Voice over, costume design and choreography: Rolf Jenner. 
Light design, set design, props and dramaturgy: Lennart Harrysson. 
The film was shot in Rimbo, Norrtälje in the Stockholm county, Sweden. 
Music and sound recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm, Sweden. 
Musicians: Santiago Jimenez Borges and Armand Gutheim. 
Lyrics: Poem n:o 72 "The Journey Over to the City" out of "Poems to individuals 1757-73" by CM Bellman set to music by Armand Gutheim. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim. 

©℗ 2015 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

A short movie by Armand Gutheim about the ecologically accurate society both in a larger perspective and at an individual level, seen
with a small twinkle in the eye.  
Runtime: 6 min.  
Starring: Charlotte Assarsson, Lennart Harrysson and Irene Magnusson-Harrysson. 
Screenplay, directing, photography and editing: Armand Gutheim. 
Music: Armand Gutheim and Lennart Harrysson. 
The film was shot at Kungsholmen, Södermalm and Skarpnäck in Stockholm, Sweden. 
Music recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm, Sweden.
Musicians: Lennart Harrysson, Hans Müller, Santiago Jimenez Borges, Charlotte Assarsson and Armand Gutheim. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim. 

©℗ 2015 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

A short movie about a young woman on her way to meet her boyfriend in another city for the dinner with his parents they are both invited to. But what happens when she misses the train?... 
Runtime: 8 min.  
Starring: Sabina Gutheim. 
Screenplay, directing, photography, editing, music, lyrics and sound: Armand Gutheim. 
The film was shot at Stockholm Central Station. 
Music recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm, Sweden. 
Musicians: Sabina Gutheim, Yvan Auzely, Charlotte Assarsson and Armand Gutheim. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim. 

©℗ 2015 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

Art films

A short movie by Armand Gutheim inspired by the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. 
Runtime: 3 min. 
Starring: Charlotte Assarsson. Screenplay, directing, photography, editing and music: Armand Gutheim. 
The film was shot in, around and beneath Notre Dame de Paris, France. Music and sound recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France.

Produced by Armand Gutheim. 

Un court-métrage de Armand Gutheim inspiré par la cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris. 
Durée: 3 min. 
Actrice: Charlotte Assarsson. Scénario, mise-en-scène, caméra, montage et musique: Armand Gutheim. 
Le film a été tourné dans, autour et sous Notre Dame de Paris. Enregistrement de musique et son, mixage, mastering et montage ont été fait à l'Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France.

Produit par Armand Gutheim.

©℗ 2014 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

A short movie by Armand Gutheim and Jimmy Gerdin in three parts inspired by the rise and fall of the former Berlin Wall. 1. Construction (1961), 2. Checkpoint (1975), 3. Destruction (1989). 
Runtime: 7 min. 
Starring: Armand Gutheim and Jimmy Gerdin. 
Screenplay, music, directing and photography: Armand Gutheim. 
Photography and editing: Jimmy Gerdin. 
The film was shot in Västerås and Berlin. 
Music and sound recording, mixing and mastering made at the Electronic Music Studio, Stockholm, Sweden. 
Editing made at JG Studio, Västerås, Sweden

Produced by Armand Gutheim and Jimmy Gerdin. 

Ein Kurzfilm von Armand Gutheim und Jimmy Gerdin in drei Teile, inspiriert von der ehemaligen Berliner Mauer steigen und fallen. 1. Construction (1961), 2. Checkpoint (1975), 3. Destruction (1989). 
Dauer: 7 min. 
Darsteller: Armand Gutheim und Jimmy Gerdin. 
Drehbuch, Musik, Regie und Kamera: Armand Gutheim. Kamera und Schnitt: Jimmy Gerdin. 
Der Film wurde in Västerås und Berlin gedreht.  
Musik- und Tonaufnahmen, -mischungen und -mastering im Electronic Music Studio, Stockholm, Schweden.  
Bearbeitung im JG Studio, Västerås, Schweden

Produziert von Armand Gutheim und Jimmy Gerdin

©℗ 2007 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

Music films and videos
The official music video with the Swedish rock band Stalker and their latest music release "Pain".
Runtime: 4 min. 
Photography: Armand Gutheim.
Editing: Dragan Stankovic.
The video was shot at Vasastan in Stockholm, Sweden. 
Produced by Dragan Stankovic.
©℗ 2022 King2Music Records, Stockholm, Sweden

A music program by Armand Gutheim for the 2021 People and Culture Convention, February 10-12, based on the music album with an environmental theme that Mother Earth Artists released during the fall 2020.
Runtime: 40 min. 
Starring: Armand Gutheim, Hans Müller, Yvan Auzely, Jonathan Segel and Charlotte Assarsson along with Stefan B Nilsson and Artillio Bergholtz. 
Screenplay, music, directing, photography and editing: Armand Gutheim. Photography: Charlotte Assarsson and Lennart Harrysson. 
The film was shot at Kungsholmen, Farsta strand and Sätra in Stockholm, Sweden, and in Bangkok, Thailand. 
Music and sound recording, mixing, mastering and film editing was made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm, Sweden.

Produced by Armand Gutheim.

©℗ 2021 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

A music film by Armand Gutheim about a white Christmas in Stockholm. 
Runtime: 5 min. 
Starring: Eva Maria Hux and Armand Gutheim. 
Screenplay and photography: Eva Maria Hux and Armand Gutheim. 
Music, directing and editing: Armand Gutheim. 
The film was shot at the Old Town, the German Church, at Skansen and Kungsholmen in Stockholm, Sweden. 
Music recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm, Sweden. 
Musicians: Eva Maria Hux and Armand Gutheim. Choir: Charlotte Assarsson and Sabina Gutheim. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim.


©℗ 2012 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

Information films

A television report by Armand Gutheim on the introduction of a temporary prohibition against driving in Paris on March 17, 2014 for the occasion of baseline emissions. 
Runtime: 3 min. 
Screenplay, photography, editing, voice over and music: Armand Gutheim. 
The film was shot at various locations in Paris. 
Music and sound recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim. 

©℗ 2014 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

An information movie by Armand Gutheim and Jimmy Gerdin about Västerås as a cultural city in general and a dance city in particular. 
Runtime: 22 min. 
Starring: Sandro Gavino Bastias, Fredrik Herranen, Damon Frost, Joakim Malm, Ulla Arvidsson, Arent Persson, Catharina Backteman, Catherine Bilberg, Johanna Bladh, Sandra Flink, Nicoletta Fornari, Linda Hemrell and Liz Helgoson. Screenplay, directing, voice over and music: Armand Gutheim. 
Photography and editing: Jimmy Gerdin. 
The film was shot in various locations in Västerås. 
Music and sound recording, mixing and mastering at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm Sweden. Editing made at JG Studio, Västerås, Sweden.

Produced by Armand Gutheim.

©℗ 2011 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

Promotion films

LGBT - Åsa Jernberg (MP)  
A video by Armand Gutheim with Åsa Jernberg from the Green Party, municipal commissioner at Stockholm City Council, about a society that supports LGBT people. 
Photography, directing, editing and music: Armand Gutheim. 
The video was shot at Stockholm City Hall. 
Music and sound recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim.

©℗ 2013 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden

ENERGY - Stefan Nilsson (MP)
A video by Armand Gutheim with Stefan Nilsson from the Green Party, group leader at Stockholm City Council, about Sweden as an example on energy issues. 
Photography, directing, editing and music: Armand Gutheim. 
The video was shot in Enskede, Stockholm. Music and sound recording, mixing, mastering and film editing made at Mother Earth Studio, Stockholm, Sweden. 

Produced by Armand Gutheim.

©℗ 2013 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden